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Opening of the 5th CNCTI Central-West Conference on Community Mobilization and Science, Technology and Innovation Sector — Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

Opening of the 5th CNCTI Central-West Conference on Community Mobilization and Science, Technology and Innovation Sector — Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

The auditorium of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Samambaya Campus, was filled on Monday (29) morning, with the opening of the Central and Western Regional Phase of the 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference. The event, which continues until tomorrow (30), brought together teachers, businessmen, public servants and students, as well as CT&I secretaries from the three states of the region, as well as the Federal District.

The representative of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), Secretary for Technological Development and Innovation, Joella Calheiros, participated in the opening. He pointed out that “this event was dedicated to thinking about the challenges and opportunities available for discussion about each country, with the differences in each region.”

He pointed out that this event brings discussions at the state level and will move the debate to the national stage. It is a democratic movement that enables all of Brazil to be heard in order to jointly build the National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation.

The proposals included in the Central West will be presented for discussion at the 5th National Science, Technology and Innovation Conference, which will be held from June 4 to 6, at Espaço Brasil 21, in Brasilia (DF). 5CNCTI was able to bring together all 26 Brazilian states, as well as the Federal District (DF).

“The Central and Western region is also good and competitive in the field of CT&I. “The Ministry will listen to us and from here will emerge important proposals for the national strategy that will place Central and Western Brazil in their rightful place in the world,” emphasized ST&I Secretary of Goiás, José Federico Lira Neto, host of the regional event. .

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UFG President Angelita Pereira spoke about the boldness of the conference, which has a great social impact. “This mission is strategic, and mainly focuses on the Cerrado, which is a large Brazilian bioregion,” she said.

In Mato Grosso do Sul, the document guiding the state's recommendations was created in several meetings, and the CT&I secretary there, Ricardo José Sena, noted the large mobilization that had been carried out. “We were able to mobilize more than a thousand people. The result was very important because it not only helps in providing support to citizens, but also helps in calibrating the public policy of science, technology and innovation in Mato Grosso do Sul,” recalling the establishment of the secretariat in the region in the state and the need to Research leaves the laboratories and takes to the streets.

The state of Mato Grosso held six statewide meetings before the regional phase. The Secretary of ST&I, Alan Kardec Benítez, added two demands discussed within the scope of the MT, such as the innovation classification of states and municipalities and the proposed equal division of the National Science, Technology and Engineering Fund, as well as the verticalization of resource transfer.

CT&I Executive Secretary to the Federal Territory Government, Alexander Phelan, praised the Federal Government's initiative on stage. “At DF, the conference was divided into several areas and integrated with local needs. This is a unique opportunity to pursue what we should aim for for our future in development, science, technology and innovation.

Representing CGEE, Anderson Gomes, Deputy Secretary General of 5CNCTI, gave an overview of the number of preparatory meetings to date. More than 220 free and thematic conferences have already been held at state, municipal, district and regional levels.

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In the afternoon, maps of state conferences were presented, in addition to discussing four topics. Revitalize, expand and strengthen the national science, technology and innovation system; Re-industrialization and new foundations to support innovation in companies; Science, technology and innovation for national strategic programs and projects and science, technology and innovation for social development.