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A fashion designer from Santa Catarina participates in a reality fashion show in the United Kingdom

A fashion designer from Santa Catarina participates in a reality fashion show in the United Kingdom

A designer from Santa Catarina will be one of the participants in the fashion reality show produced by the BBC in the UK, scheduled to premiere next Monday (17). Giovanna Di Bona was born in Florianópolis, and will be on the show “A Stitch in Time” (or “A Stitch in Time” in the free translation).

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The British reality show will present four promising designers who face challenges inspired by the Ulster region in Northern Ireland, which has an influence on the fashion world.

– There were happy moments, and certainly tense moments, with some tears. But having the opportunity to compete and represent Brazil was very special, Giovanna said, as reported by Udesc, the institution from which she graduated in fashion in 2016.

The Santa Catarina native has been living in the United Kingdom since 2020, where she collaborates as a 3D fashion specialist for different brands, especially in Europe and the United States. She also took the modeling technique used in her work routine to the reality show.

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– I created all the models used in the competition in Clo3D, so I ended up combining traditional set development methods with digital ones – says Udesc.

In total, the reality show will consist of four episodes, all of which were recorded at the beginning of 2022 and will be available on iPlayer, the BBC's streaming platform.

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