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Venezuela’s president demands UK ‘hand over Latin America and Caribbean’

Venezuela’s president demands UK ‘hand over Latin America and Caribbean’

British President David Cameron’s statement in response to a message posted on the aforementioned social media site X.

In the center is President Juan Gil of Venezuela

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247 – Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Juan Gil has asked UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron to take his hands off Latin America and the Caribbean this Friday (15), Telesur News reports.

“The imperialist and colonial attitude of your country is the reason why Guyana Escigueba was stolen from Venezuela, leaving behind a legacy that we know how to solve without direct dialogue and malicious interference as determined by the Geneva Convention. 1966”, said Gill.

“From Venezuela, we demand that the failed and unpopular David Cameron, the president of the former imperial power of the United Kingdom, take his hands off our Latin America and the Caribbean and take care of his own more complicated affairs,” he wrote. Kill on social network X.

Cameron’s statement by the president came in response to a message posted on the aforementioned social network, a statement delivered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines after a meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and his Guyanese counterpart, Irfan Ali. To address the territorial dispute over Guyana Esquipa.

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In turn, the President of the National Assembly (AN), Deputy Jorge Rodríguez, highlighted that “Venezuela will not accept anyone’s direction.”