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The Minister of Science and Technology explains the duties of the new Nuclear Safety Authority – Época Negócios

The Minister of Science and Technology explains the duties of the new Nuclear Safety Authority – Época Negócios

Marcus Pontes defends the creation of the National Nuclear Safety Authority (Photo: José Cruz / Agência Brasil)

The provisional measure established by the National Nuclear Safety Authority, a federal authority, whose mission is “to control, regulate and inspect nuclear safety, radiation protection, activities and activities, has been published in the Federal Official Gazette on the seventeenth nuclear installations. For nuclear activities, nuclear materials and radiation sources in the national territory, in accordance with the provisions of the policy The Brazilian Nuclear and Federal Government Guidelines. ” Practically, what will this body do? To explain the duties of the new Nuclear Safety Authority, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcos Pontes, spoke today exclusively to Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), in an interview with Repórter Brasil on Thursday (20).

According to Punts, the creation of a nuclear safety authority has been a wish for more than 34 years, both from the international community and from national oversight bodies, such as the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU). They said that the enforcement and enforcement activities of the nuclear policy should be carried out by various bodies.

“He expected something to be done 34 years ago,” the minister said. According to Punts, the National Nuclear Energy Commission had two posts.

It will be the responsibility of the new autonomy to ensure the safety of all processes in civilian applications of the nuclear sector, such as, for example, the use of radiation in medicine, whether in diagnosing or treating diseases.

“For the population, the establishment of a nuclear authority increases the level of security for all nuclear activities in the country, which is important for everyone,” he says. The minister explained that nuclear power plants are the responsibility of the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

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According to Pontes, creating a new body does not imply an increase in structures, nor does it create any new expenditures.

The minister stressed during the interview that Brazil is only working on using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. “Thanks to the efforts of this ministry, the Brazilian Navy and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. All of this shapes our nuclear program.”