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A wooden car is up for auction in England

A wooden car is up for auction in England

In the 1980s, former engineer John Brazier had the unusual idea of ​​building a wooden car; Check!

The classic cartoon ‘The Flintstones’ (1960), which follows some of the adventures of a Stone Age family, is an element that always attracts attention. Cars Built entirely of rock, used by vessels.

Of course, such a vehicle will not work well in real life, but one Former British Engineer After building a functional wooden car surprised many Auction Next September.

The person responsible for the incident John BrazierRetired Professor of Carpentry and Metallurgy from Nagar Bristol in England. For this, he used a one-of-a-kind car kit, the Hustler, made by a Gloucestershire designer. William Downs.

According to The Guardian, less so 400 Hustlers It was built over time by mechanical enthusiasts who wanted this challenge, using ready-made models fiberglass, for the most part. He Brazier In the mid-1980s, the project decided to take a different direction: building its body in wood.

Of course, to make a car work, consider how unsuitable wood is for the task at hand. Brazier Aiming to use it, the material should be well chosen: for structure, a Water resistant plywood and ash.

And the mission worked, as the man still claims to be always safe in his vehicle Maximum occupancy is 8 peopleand has taken the former engineer’s family on many trips across the country.

Photo of the back of John Brazier’s wooden car / Credit: Divulgation/SWNS/Auctioneum

Emotional attachment

In an interview with The Guardian, John Brazier, now 76, said: “I’ll be sad to see it go, I’ll be sad to see it in my garage. The important thing is that other people enjoy seeing it.” Indeed, it would be a pleasure to admire such a well-designed vehicle detailsLike the wooden gearshift lever, as well as the handbrake lever and steering wheel.

Dashboard from John Brazier’s car / Credit: Divulgation/SWNS/Auctioneum

However, product details say the wooden car stopped being driven in the “early 2000s” after the battery failed. After that, “no attempt was made to initiate it”.