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Sarah Milo: Office of Communication and Science Opinion

Sarah Milo: Office of Communication and Science Opinion

revealing of scientific reseach It is essential that society has access to the information and developments that science provides. However, research results often do not reach the general public, being limited to the academic and scientific community. Here comes the importance of the Communication and Press Office for publishing scientific research.

The Communications Office, and more specifically the Press Office, is responsible for creating the bridge between researchers and societyDisseminate research results in a clear and accessible manner to the general public. Through the Communications and Press Office, researchers can share their discoveries with the community, and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of science.

One of the main benefits of communications consulting for the dissemination of scientific research is that it can expand access to information. With the help of consulting, researchers can publish their findings differently modessuch as newspapers, magazines, television and the Internet, to reach a much larger audience than would be possible through scholarly publications alone.

In addition, the advisor is also responsible for adapting the technical language used by the researchers to language more accessible to the general public. This is essential for the information to be understood by people without scientific training, but who can benefit from it Progress and discoveries carried out by the researchers. Of course, we always strive to properly publish scientific findings.

When it comes to a consultant contact b public agenciesThere is still a priority to publish the results in order to be accountable to the tax-paying community that actually funds that study.

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Finally, the wide dissemination of research should become routine, revealing it in a broad way so that the whole of society can understand it. Results is found. n