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Gloria Perez giving a live talk on “Mais Você”

Gloria Perez giving a live talk on “Mais Você”

Program “More You”, from Globo TVPresented by Anna Maria Braga Again among the most commented topics on Monday the 17th. This time, the actress was in charge of the engagement. Gloria Perez. the artist She caught the eye of Morning Show correspondent Ivo Madulio After he tries to meet Gloria in the middle of preparing a scene for the telenovela 9:00 p.m., Earth and passion.

The reporter was speaking live with Ana Maria Braga when he approached Gloria and heard, “You have to help your colleagues. We don’t have a button, but we’re working,” said the actress.

The reporter and Anna Maria tried to circumvent the situation by agreeing with the artist. “Come here, Ivo. Leave them there,” said the presenter, who commented shortly after that she would call the commercial break.

The actor was playing opposite Gloria Kawa Raymond, who didn’t seem bothered by the situation. In turn, Ivo took it as a joke and said: “Fight, kill” in an amused tone.

The embarrassing situation did not satisfy those who were watching the attraction at the time and Gloria Perez’s position was criticized on the Internet. The professional did not comment on the issue on social media, but in his latest post, some of the reporter’s fans sympathized with him.

One follower wrote: “I’m sorry for being so rude to you today!” “I love your journalistic work with Ana Maria Braga. […] And another record.

“the weather was great”

In an interview with fromThe reporter explained that it was all a joke. “There was no weather. Gloria and I are friends, she is such an amazing person and exudes kindness. I spoke in a joking tone, the atmosphere was great in the studio,” he said.

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