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Government leader Randolph hardened his tone and said Campos Neto could be dismissed from the central bank

Government leader Randolph hardened his tone and said Campos Neto could be dismissed from the central bank

The Senator protested, “The Senate of the Republic needs to act! It is not possible to speed up the economy with the handbrake that this exorbitant interest rate is pulling!”

Randolph Rodriguez and Roberto Campos Neto

247 – The leader of Lula’s government (PT) in the National Congress, Senator Randolph Rodriguez (without party-AP) hardened his tone in a Twitter post on Friday (16) and demanded that the Senate act with regard to the central president. Bank, Robert Campos Neto.

The government has been fighting since the beginning of the year with the central bank over the extremely high interest rate that is being practiced in Brazil, currently at 13.75% per annum. The debate has gained more strength in light of the recent positive data from the Brazilian economy, especially from inflation, which has a downward trend. Randolph stated, “The economy is starting to take off: GDP growth is above expectations, inflation is down, interest rates are low in the future, unemployment is low. The wreckage remains to be removed from the Roberto Campos Neto base rate.”

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Next, the senator recalls, the Central Bank Independence Act specifies that, in addition to controlling inflation, the autonomy system has a primary obligation to promote full employment—a goal neglected by the Campos Neto administration.

Randolph then demanded that the Senate take steps to remove the BC president. “It is important to stress that the Central Bank Independence Act provides for the promotion of full employment and also that BACEN Chairman [Banco Central] He may be acquitted when he has provided proven and repeated insufficient performance to achieve the goals of the organization. The Senate of the Republic needs to move! You can’t speed up the economy with the handbrake that this exorbitant interest rate pulls! People are the ones who get hurt.”

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Follow up on recommendations

Labor Minister Luiz Marinho said Thursday (15) that if he had relied on the will of the federal government, Campos Neto would have already been replaced. “Indeed, if the Senate had noticed, the BC president would have already been thrown out of office. Among his functions is inflation, but also employment. I don’t remember any minutes when I watched the matter of employment being dealt with. That is, not fulfilling his obligations. He would already have a reason.” To separate it. Exchange”.