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The update will make life easier for users

The update will make life easier for users

If you have WhatsApp, it’s one of two things: either you’ve already been added to quite a few groups or you’re managing quite a few of them, right?

This is due to the fact that many people have an account on this app and use the platform on a daily basis for communication. However, when it comes to combos, this can be said to be a feature that some love and many others hate.

Well, it is justified because not everyone can handle different topics and many messages and conversations at the same time.

So if you belong to many WhatsApp groups or manage these chats, now there is a new feature that will help you solve this problem!

Thanks to the new WhatsApp Groups update, you have more control over these chats! Keep reading to learn more about this news.

WhatsApp update makes group management easier

Photo: B9/Playback

It was announced that everyone will soon have access to the new update through an official press release. Improvements include helping administrators and making it possible to understand which users belong to which group. Changes include:

  • Restricted invite links

Invitation links to join WhatsApp groups have already been widely used. Instead of adding a person in person, you can send a link to multiple people, so anyone who wants to be part of the group can enter through the link.

With the changes, admins will be able to limit who can or can’t join the group, preventing anyone from accessing important chat groups just by getting the invite link.

This makes the privacy and reliability of information within groups more secure!

Now, by simply searching for the name of a specific contact in your list, it will be possible to identify which groups are common to that group and other groups of your contacts.

You will no longer need to keep deleting group after group. This is because now, with the update, groups can exclude themselves after a deadline that will be set by the administrator.

This way, no long inactive groups will remain in your list, and you won’t have to keep checking out and deleting one by one.