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Alckmin denies that Qualicorp’s owner gave Lula a jet to go to COP-27

Alckmin denies that Qualicorp’s owner gave Lula a jet to go to COP-27

Posted on 11/14/2020 6:25 PM


Coordinator of the transitional government and elected vice president Geraldo Alcmene (PSB) He denied that President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, on Monday, at the age of 14, would travel to Egypt on a plane borrowed by businessman Jose Serebiri Jr.

“The information I have is that it is not borrowed (the plane). The owner will go together to the COP. He will also participate in the COP, and they will go together. There is no loan. They will go together at the same time. They are traveling more people,” he said during a press conference in Sao Paulo. , the former governor, and political and environmental leaders, all together.

The founder and former chief executive officer of the health plan Qualicorp, Seripieri was arrested in June 2020 in the PF operation, which investigated alleged improper payments to the campaign of Senator José Serra (PSDB). The businessman was released after four days.

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