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President Feocruz receives the award from the US Embassy and Consulates

Nicia Trindade Lima, president of Fiocruz, received the 2022 Brazilian Women of the Year award. The award is presented by the US Embassy and Consulates in Brazil to recognize outstanding women throughout the country.

On October 24, Mark Carr, Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, accompanied Nísia, the Embassy’s Cultural Counselor Carla Wehneld, to the Foundation to present the certificate. Cristiani Machado, Vice President of Education, Information and Communication (Vpeic/Fiocruz) and Pedro Burger, Deputy Coordinator of the Center for International Relations (Cris/Fiocruz) also attended the meeting.

“I am very proud to receive this award,” Nicia celebrated. “As I say and share with the representatives of our company, I know that many of the honors I receive are related to teamwork, which makes it very special for me to represent such an important company as Fiocruz”. Cultural liaison Mark Carr judged the award. “I am very happy to present the official certificate today,” he said. “Thank you for having us, Fiocruz has many projects, and its president certainly deserves to be one of the seven Brazilian women recognized by the US Embassy and Consulates in Brazil for her outstanding contributions to society. We look forward to continuing our partnership.”

The award honors women from diverse backgrounds who positively impact their communities and serve as a force of inspiration. Nicia’s recognition for being the first woman to hold the position of president of Fiocruz in 120 years and for her contributions throughout her career recognized in the fields of health, research and science.

The Consulate’s Cultural Counselor, Karla Wehnold, reaffirmed the importance of the visit and the Consulate’s willingness to cooperate. “This homecoming is important to maintain dialogue on the various fronts of our cooperation. Count our office”. Assistant Coordinator of International Relations Pedro Burger appreciated the award. “Receiving this award is a very interesting initiative and I congratulate you on this initiative. We have had some meetings with the American delegation here in Feocruz, Recently I went to the reception of the consulates in the economic and political area, and exchanged acquaintances, which is necessary to maintain the continuity of our cooperation.

The certificate was presented to Nísia by the Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy in Rio de Janeiro during a visit to the Foundation with the Embassy’s Cultural Counselor (Photo: Pedro Paulo Gonçalves)

There are also many initiatives in the field of education between Fiocruz and the United States. Vice President of Education, Information and Communications Christiani Machado listed a few. “America is an important destination for our PhD students and our post-graduate researchers. There are many connections between researchers and top institutions,” he said. “After a conference held by Nísia on global health, we recently received students from Princeton University. Between June and August, seven students affiliated with the university’s Global Health program were enrolled in our different departments. It was a very successful program. The university will now also offer sandwich doctoral courses to Fiocruz students.

Other women were awarded

Besides President Nicia Trindade, six other women received the award. They are Ana María Ferreira da Cunha, Kinross Brazil Director of Government Relations and Social Responsibility; Chopelly Glaudystton Pereira dos Santos, member and leader of the Movement of Transvestites and Transsexuals of Pernambuco (Amotrans) and the LGBT Forum in Pernambuco; Jaceguara Dantas da Silva, Court Judge of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul; Joana Célia dos Passos, Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC); Renata Malheiros Henriques, National Coordinator of Women’s Entrepreneurship at the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises (Sebrae); and Environment Department Coordinator of the Swadeshi Council of Roraima (CIR) Sinia Wabitchana.

“I feel very proud because I have seen other women who have won the award,” Nicia added. “These are women who are dedicated to human rights and activism in various fields. There are six women who do a lot of justice to the award. Nísia highlighted points for the award such as equity and community engagement and the role of science in these fields. “As a representative of the scientific area, as a member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), I feel that science must have this commitment. In an institution like ours, it must be reinforced, health is a right.