The Federal Police arrested, on Wednesday (19), in Vieira de Santana, the main Brazilian suspect suspected of being part of a transnational criminal organization called “Lapsus Group”.
The investigations conducted are the result of Operation Dark Cloud, launched in August of this year, which aims to collect information in a police investigation investigating the activity of a potential criminal organization, formed with the aim of promoting various cyber attacks, in particular those carried out at the end of 2021, against The Ministry of Health and dozens of other bodies and bodies of the federal government, including the Ministry of Economy, the Comptroller General of the Federation and the Federal Road Police.
The investigations began in December of last year, when the Federal Police learned that the cloud environment of the Ministry of Health had been attacked. At that time, the attackers deleted files, data, and instances from the attacked folder, thus hacking the website. for the National Vaccination Certificate.
After the attack when trying to access the Ministry of Health website (, users found a message that the system data was copied and deleted and was in the hands of the attacking group.
The Lapsus group is also responsible for the conquest of the Empresa Brasileira de Correios e Telégrafos and Localiza Rent a Car systems, as well as several other systems in South America, the United States and Europe, including Sociedade Independente de Comunicação, a private television channel in Portugal, Impresa Group, Electronic Art, Globant, Microsoft Azure, Nvidia, among others.
The offenses identified in police investigations are offenses of criminal organization, breaking into a computer, cutting off or disrupting telegraph, radio or telephone service, or preventing or impeding their recovery. It was also found that the practice of corruption of minors is a crime stipulated in the Children and Adolescents Law, and money laundering under Law No. 9613/1998.
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