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Physicist demands appreciation of science when voting – 07/29/2022 – Opinion

Physicist demands appreciation of science when voting – 07/29/2022 – Opinion

Many countries are investing heavily in science and technological innovations that are fundamental to the development of civilization, from artificial intelligence to genetic therapies. It is a game of heroes, involving fierce conflicts of the international hero, using the power of knowledge. However, the current political, economic and social agenda, with budget cuts for science and universities, millions of brains wasted in needy communities and the absence of a sustainable development project, is pushing Brazil into the second division.

Among the ten most unequal countries in the world, there are two in the Americas: Brazil and Suriname. Others are African countries. Not surprisingly, Brazil has only 900 researchers per million inhabitants, while OECD countries have 4,000 researchers. In a country, thanks to scientists like Joanna Dobereiner, a world champion in food production, 33 million people suffer from hunger.

A corrupt agenda ignores the essential components of sustainable development in today’s world: social inclusion, environmental protection, quality education, science, technology, and innovation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, young scientists, out of curiosity, tried to understand the world of atoms and electrons and established quantum physics, which began with the work of Max Planck. Today, thanks to him, we have MRI machines, GPS, lasers, and modern computers. If Max Planck had lived in today’s Brazil, would he have abandoned science in the face of the frustrations we see?

May the coming years be full of hope for the upcoming “Max Plancks”, “Johannas Döbereiners”, “Maries Curies”. This election will be crucial for our future talents to create a scenario that will allow Curiosity and their profession to flourish. Know the value when voting.

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This column was written for the #scienceinelections campaign celebrating Science Month. In July, columnists gave space for them to reflect on the role of science in the reconstruction of Brazil. Physicist Louis Davidovich, Professor Emeritus at UFRJ. The initiative is from the Serrapilheira Institute and Maranta Inteligencia Politica.