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Unimed guides João Pessoa about the diagnosis and how the family can cooperate in the treatment

Unimed guides João Pessoa about the diagnosis and how the family can cooperate in the treatment

According to data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an agency associated with the United States government, there is now one case of autism for every 54 people. Thus, it is estimated that Brazil, with a population of more than 210 million, has around 4 million people with autism.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviors. Since it does not have the physical characteristics that distinguish autism from normal individuals, TEA is often mistakenly categorized as a tantrum or a lack of education. Lots of people even blame parents for their children’s behavior. For this reason, awareness is important to ending prejudice, ”says Daniela Perrin, Psychologist and Behavior Analyst at Viver Bem, Unimed João Pessoa’s division responsible for the primary service of clients with ASD and other disorders or syndromes.

The expert explains that there are still agreements that hinder and delay early treatment. He warns that “ideas such as that each child has his own time, or that parents should wait, because the matter is still on the way to development, means that many do not have a diagnostic hypothesis, which prevents or hinders the start of appropriate treatment.” In order to avoid this, parents and professionals should pay attention to TEA signs, among them the difficulty in starting or maintaining a conversation, understanding facial expressions, as well as not responding when calling by name. “Other symptoms are repetitive and restrictive patterns, such as movement movements, problems with breaking a routine, severe suffering with slight changes, the need to eat the same foods, and the reaction to certain sounds or textures until self-care and independence skills are compromised,” he adds.

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Early diagnosis Contrary to what is common, TEA signs can be noticed as early as a few months in life, Daniela Perrin notes. Among these factors are decreased eye contact, even when breastfeeding, decreased response or overreaction to stimuli, and sleep disturbances. As the child grows, other signs may become more apparent. He warns that it is essential for pediatricians, professionals and family members to be alert to the expected development of each age.

Daniela stresses that one should not wait for the signs to become clearer in order to seek professional help. “It is important to start treatment at the first signs of autism,” he explains. “After a period of intervention, the doctor evaluates whether the diagnosis should be preserved or excluded.” She comments that the family has an essential role in the development of an autistic person. “When they are trained, they are able to better understand certain behaviors and know how to deal with everyday situations,” she explains.

Private treatments center – Unimed João Pessoa offers a complete and exclusive service to clients with ASD, other disorders and syndromes. It is the center of private treatments, provided in partnership with Clínica Estima. In a green space of 550 square meters, the place provides comfortable environments that allow for educational, therapeutic, recreational and integrative activities. In addition to a nursery, a small farm, a botanical garden, a garden, a lawn for recreation, modern and air-conditioned rooms, a treatment center and a reception area. Integrating care into a single environment facilitates and speeds up treatment.

The team consists of psychologists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, psychologists, physiotherapists, nutritionists, psychomotor and job training specialists, behavior analysts and therapy buddies, among others. During the pandemic, care continues to be provided physically, while respecting safety rules and protocols to prevent infection with the coronavirus.

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According to Director of Integrated Healthcare and Outpatient Services at Unimed João Pessoa, Heraldo Rocha, the cooperative has adopted a proactive stance, aiming to provide greater care to children and adolescents participating in these treatments. “We are closely monitoring the development of each of them, and in partnership with Clínica Estima, we discuss and improve service protocols for each specific need,” he notes.

In the Special Therapy Center, a multidisciplinary team seeks to investigate and change the perception, perception or behavior of patients, applying different approach techniques. In addition to ASD, recipients are offered Down syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), among other disorders or syndromes. “Unimed João Pessoa is not just about licensing treatments. You have that vision [de atenção integral] In approach to beneficiaries, ”he highlights. Heraldo Rocha adds:“ We are committed to the smooth operation of the private treatment center and we are optimistic about the results. ”

How is it taken care of – To perform treatment in a private treatment center, it is necessary to request prior permission from Viver Bem, a sector located at Unimed JP’s headquarters, in Tore. On site, a trained team is on hand to clear all doubts and speed up referrals.

The private treatment center is open Monday through Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Avenida Pedro II, 1373, at the João Pessoa Center. Phones 3024-7222, 9-9944-3297, and email [email protected].