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Can I now make a new advice on forgotten money by the Central Bank?  See details of receivables

Can I now make a new advice on forgotten money by the Central Bank? See details of receivables

In the coming months, we may have new query the system Amounts due.

See receivables here

This is because, according to central bankThere are still forgotten money in banks and financial institutions.

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Below, see how Consult the forgotten money And the latest news from receivable system.


Amounts due from the Central Bank. Forgot the money

a receivable system It is the term used to describe the amount forgotten in checking or savings accounts.

Amounts incorrectly charged in credit fees are also part of the system.

a Forgot the money In banks, at this second stage, more than 4.1 billion Brazilian Real.

Where does the forgotten money come from?

a The central bank forgot the money Stems from:

  • Closed checking or savings accounts, with an available balance;
  • incorrectly charged fees, installments or obligations relating to credit operations;
  • equity shares and the allocation of net surpluses to beneficiaries and participants in credit unions;
  • Unsolicited appeals relating to expired consortium groups.

Was the consultation early?

Despite the high expectations of the Brazilians, the date of the new advisory for the debtor’s securities regime has not been announced, and therefore it could not have been foreseen.

Amounts receivable. bcb.gov.br; How to check receivables

for Check for forgetting money in banks Just access the new Central Bank (BC) platform.

Consulting and refund requests are “temporarily suspended for improvement,” according to the central bank’s website.

It is important to remember that those who have already conducted the initial consultation received a specific date to return to valorareceber.bcb.gov.br.

If you have not already done so, simply go to the website valorareceber.bcb.gov.br and make a Consult receivables Using the CPF number and date of birth.

for Consult the forgotten money You must have access to a Gov.br account, Silver or Gold level.

After the initial consultation, you should:

  • access to the website valorareceber.bcb.gov.br on the previously announced date;
  • sign in;
  • Consult any of the options: amount owed; the institution that must return the amount; Forgotten money origin
  • Click on the “Order via here” option, to receive via Pix, or on the “Order via an organization” option to connect and approve the organization of your choice.

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New rules receivables

a receivable system It made some changes after completing the first salvage phase. See what they are:

  • It will not be necessary to perform scheduling. Therefore, a citizen can request a refund of the resource at the time of the first consultation;
  • The system will have new information passed on to the financial institutions. In other words, those who did not have receivables in the first stage should Consult again The system will be updated as data and new features may be available.

How to withdraw forgotten money?

After the initial consultation, see below how Withdraw the amounts owed:

  • Go to the site valorareceber.bcb.gov.br on the previously announced date;
    sign in;
  • See any of the options: Amount owed; the institution that must return the amount; Forgotten money origin
  • Click on the “Order via here” option to receive via Pix, or on the “Order via an organization” option to connect and approve the organization of your choice.

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