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Issa tells Mago Coutinho about the emotion of the premiere in Angola: “Imagine who woke up crying” |  Nice

Issa tells Mago Coutinho about the emotion of the premiere in Angola: “Imagine who woke up crying” | Nice

a Nice it’s at Angola. Maria Julia Coutinho And producer Gabe Rocha has crossed the Atlantic and will be showing off a little Luanda, the Angolan capital, soon. life show. The journalist will follow the singer’s first performance Easy in the country.

Can you imagine who woke up today crying? First time in Africa, first time here and I am very happy. We are very excited to do our best.” Easy.

Mago is still saying Easy The reaction of fans on the streets of Luanda: ‘Hey! [Iza] She reconnected me with Brazilian music.”

On his first day in the Angolan capital, Mago learned more about the country’s culture. Journalist Kina Mwanawasa taught the phrase “Nha kominikina mo djina dia njana!” Which means “I greet you in the name of the Lord” in the Kimbundu language, which is one of the twenty languages ​​that are spoken Angola.

Find out more details about this trip soon on Show da Vida.

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