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The USDA says cancellations accounted for 2,300 tonnes more than U.S. wheat sales

The USDA says cancellations accounted for 2,300 tonnes more than U.S. wheat sales

Sao Paulo, May 26 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture said on Thursday, May 26, that the cancellation of wheat exporters’ sales for the 2021/22 crop in the U.S. for the week ended May 19 has exceeded 2,300 tons. Poor performance in the business year is significantly lower than the previous week and the average of the previous four weeks.

During the week, major buyers Italy (20 thousand tonnes), Nigeria (8.2 thousand tonnes), Philippines (5.5 thousand tonnes), Canada (2.9 thousand tonnes) and Japan (1.7 thousand tonnes) were offset by cancellations. By Mexico (38.2 thousand tons) and unpublished places (2.7 thousand tons).

For the 2022/23 harvest, 246.3 thousand tons were sold. The main buyers are the Philippines (60,000 tonnes), Japan (59,600 tonnes), Taiwan (40,000 tonnes), Mexico (36,800 tonnes) and Honduras (32,000 tonnes). Nigeria (1 thousand tons).

The sum of the two crops was within the estimate consulted by the analysts Dow Jones NewswireExpect quantities of 150 thousand to 500 thousand tons per week.

Total exports during the period were 298,200 tonnes, down 14% from the previous week and 1% from the previous four-week average. Japan (110 thousand tons), Mexico (84.7 thousand tons), Philippines (60.5 thousand tons), Nigeria (41.8 thousand tons) and Canada (800 tons) were the major destinations during that period.

(With information from Dow Jones Newswires.)

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