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Francisco just joined – 01/23/2022 – Rui Castro

Francisco just joined – 01/23/2022 – Rui Castro

Late in the afternoon the other day, it was Pope Francisco He found a loophole in his appointments to the Vatican. He dismissed the security guards, took a cart driven by an employee and Went to a record store in Rome, called Stereosound. I’ve known her since I was Basic Bergoglio, Archbishop of Buenos Aires, and was going to Italy to work. I can imagine the astonishment of the owner Tiziana, as she saw who was entering – not the Supreme Pontiff, the religious leader of Billions, but her old friend, a fan of Mozart and Beethoven.

I can also imagine Francisco’s pleasure reaching the shelves, reviewing the records, and realizing that he already had it all or was surprised by something new – a more probable hypothesis, because the Popes don’t have much time to go through the catalogs of records. Since his visit was fast, it is not known whether he had time for the great joy of stores of this type: socializing with customers, discussing preferences, learning about a secret release, listening to gossip about this or that artist.

I am not religious and have no power of conjecture, but of all the Popes I have been a contemporary of, I can think of no one else who has done something similar. Pius 12, Paul 6, and Benedict 16 were too acidic; John 23, very old; John Paul I hardly got ready for the throne. And João Paulo 2º will not pass a record store, but rather go straight to the live show. Only Francisco seems to me to still be able to indulge in this simple and now rare practice: to take a record out of its cover, put it on the plate and click the play button.

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Tiziana gave him a CD of classical music. before thanked. But let’s not forget that in real life he is called Francisco Jorge Mario and he is Argentine. In the past, Boca’s Bandonion roar was no stranger to him.

Who knows, maybe he’d prefer the Sexteto Mayor CD, with “Adiós Nonino”? Julio Sosa with “Cambalache”? Virginia Locke with ‘Nostalgia’? Edmundo Rivero with “Jarova”?

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