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cash payment for new collections;  Check out the full calendar

cash payment for new collections; Check out the full calendar

Informal workers born in September and October receive the fifth batch of the new round of emergency aid.

Today (28) informal workers born in September and October receive the fifth batch of the new round of emergency aid. The interest will be in installments ranging from R$150 to R$375, depending on the family.

Payment will also be made to those registered with the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) who were born in the same month. The funds will be deposited into digital savings accounts and can be used through the Caixa Tem app. Only two to three weeks after the deposit, the money can be withdrawn in cash or transferred to a checking account.

The dates for extending the allowances were announced on the last day of the twelfth day, and the payment of the fifth installment to the public began on the last day of the twentieth day and continues until next Tuesday (31).

A total of 45.6 million Brazilians will benefit from the new round of emergency aid. The support will only be paid to those who received the benefits in December 2020. It is also necessary to meet other requirements to qualify for the new course.

5 installments evaluating emergency aid
Emergency assistance calendar. Photo: Disclosure / Box

For Bolsa Família beneficiaries, payment occurs differently. Applicants can withdraw funds directly in the last ten working days of each month, based on the last digit of the shekel.

Payment of the fifth installment to Bolsa Família applicants began on the 18th and will resume on Monday (30th) for beneficiaries with a social registration number (NIS) of 9 final. Emergency assistance will be deposited only when the amount is higher than the benefit of the social program.

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5th batch emergency aid: schedule for 5th batch of Bolsa Familia
The Fifth Emergency Aid Batch calendar works differently for Bolsa Família beneficiaries. Photo: Disclosure / Box