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2022 national floor with no real gain and less than inflation

2022 national floor with no real gain and less than inflation

Annually, the federal government corrects the value of lowest wages. The increase is based solely on inflation rates since 2019, which has resulted in often meager gains for Brazilian workers.

The same strategy will be applied next year. According to the Ministry of Economy, the value of the national floor in 2022 will be R$1,147, with a base increase, further jeopardizing the purchasing power of workers.

Therefore, the lowest wages You will lose the real gain again. It turns out that the economics team is forecasting 4.3% inflation for this year. However, the IPCA is already at 8.35% over 12 months.

However, 2022 will be the third year without an inflation adjustment and without real gains. This year, the national floor has been revised up by 5.29% based on the government’s forecast for the INPC.

Minimum wage without real profit

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Even with a salary adjustment outside of inflation rates, Brazilian citizens go through their third year with no real earnings. Due to the economic crisis of the epidemic, employers have not been able to increase the wages of their employees, and stay at or below the inflation rate

Last year, inflation corresponded to a relatively low number, and did not adversely affect workers in relation to product prices. However, due to skyrocketing prices this year, and thus inflation, the increases have been less than the indicator.

According to the report from the World Bank, the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic is expected to have a negative impact on jobs and wages in Brazil over the next nine years.

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Another report, prepared by the Foundation for Economic Research (FIPE), notes that some Latin American countries are taking a long time to recover from financial crises that generate unemployment. On average, this period can be calculated in nine years.

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