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Zeca Camargo has been fired from the band and announces his resignation on social media

Zeca Camargo has been fired from the band and announces his resignation on social media

Zeca Camargo revealed on social media on Friday that he is leaving the band. The presenter, who was in charge of the “Best of the Night” program with Glenda Kozlowski, last August, thanked the work team and viewers in a touching video.

“I just found out that I am not following this program. I would actually like to thank this wonderful team, Bandeirantes, Glenda, who is a wonderful partner, and you for everything, who have accompanied me. Let’s go in other directions, always inventing, always having ideas “And he always believes that creativity is above all else.”

Co-showrunner Glenda left a message for Zika in the comments of the post:

“Zika, you have been such a great and wonderful surprise! How I learned next to you!! A restless and attentive man, a factory of stories, good ideas! People stop me in the street and tell me how much they love you, how much you are. It is such a joy for me, I have nothing but gratitude in my heart and I am honored to say We’ve created a program from scratch, along with this amazing team from Best of the Night, and we’re sticking hard to the fireworks and you know what’s best? You are Zika Camargo! A complete history of the Brazilian press.

“Best of the Night” airs Monday through Friday at 8:30 p.m., and begins airing on the network after Faustão na Band concludes. The daily show features a cast of rapper Thade, journalist and comedian Magno Navarro, and chef Rodrigo Oliveira, who are always focused on bringing stories to the whole family.

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Since the premiere, names such as Daniela Mercury, Paulo Ricardo, Gito Moleki, Frank Aguiar, Demonius da Jarroa, Yasmin Santos, Wanessa Camargo, Detonotas, Thiago Arancam and Carmen Monarcha, among many others, have appeared in the “Best of the Night”. “Platform.