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Lula signs law to end cars in driving schools across Brazil!

Lula signs law to end cars in driving schools across Brazil!

the President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva Recently approved Law 14,921/2024New rules for driving school fleets in Brazil. The law sets a maximum age for vehicles used in the training of new drivers, with the aim of improving the safety and quality of education provided by driving schools.

This new legal framework seeks to ensure that students learn how to do this. Driving in more modern and safe vehiclesThe law divides vehicle categories, and imposes different age limits for each. For example, vehicles in category A (Motorcycles and Tricycles) Should not exceed eight years of use, while those in this category B (cars with up to eight seats) You have a 12 year limit.

How important is the age limit for driving school vehicles?

put an end to School driving age is essential For several reasons:

  • protection
  • Quality of learning
  • maintenance
  • Sustainability

How does the new law affect the safety and modernization of driving schools?

New Legislation contributes greatly to security. During driving lessons. By ensuring that vehicles are newer and equipped with modern technology, the law improves the protection of students and teachers. In addition, newer vehicles provide a learning experience that is closer to the reality of current traffic conditions.

Fleet renewal also drives the sector Cars, increased demand for new vehiclesSenator Teresa Leitao, rapporteur of the project in the Constitution and Justice Committee, highlighted the economic benefits of this measure for the production and sale of cars in Brazil.

What are the benefits of getting a driver’s license in 2024?

You have a National Driving License (CNH) It can bring many benefits, both personal and professional:

  • Freedom and independence: Driving allows for greater mobility and independence, making everyday tasks and travel easier.
  • Career opportunities: Many job openings require a driver’s license, which expands your job possibilities and often leads to better salaries.
  • comfort: It avoids reliance on public transportation, and provides greater comfort, especially in bad weather conditions.
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However, it is important to remember that obtaining a driver’s license comes with responsibilities, such as the costs of maintaining the vehicle and the need to drive safely and carefully.

Denying fake news about the end of driving schools

Recently, a video went viral on TikTok spreading misinformation about driving schools being phased out due to the new law. However, this claim is unfounded. The approved law does not abolish driving schools; on the contrary, it updates the standards of vehicles used during classes.

The video was based on an old bill (PL 6,485/2019) that proposed changes to theoretical and practical teaching methods, but did not propose the end of driving schools. The misleading content was quickly exposed, and the importance of driving schools was reaffirmed.

With the implementation of Law No. 14,921/2024, Brazil is advancing in modernizing driver training and promoting safety, sustainability and economic improvements. This legislation, which is in line with technological developments, ensures that new drivers are trained in conditions that reflect the current traffic scenario.